I've moved !!!!! FINALLY !!
I've moved into my new apartment. Finally. Those who know me will know how much I've been looking forward to it and how loooong I've waited for it to happen. My very own home.... :)
All these years since graduating, I've been renting, heck, even while studying in Uni, I've been renting. I'm sooo tired of renting. Paying for the rent is alright, but having to deal with difficult housemates that's the worst part.
Housemates come and go, everytime a housemate moved out, there's the hassle of looking for another replacement, and everytime a new housemate moves in, I've gotta take precaution. Hide all my jewellry, cash, lock the room door. Hey, you would do that too if a total stranger moves into your house. I've had my share of lousy housemates over the years. I've had demanding housemates, housemates who watch TV loudly in the middle of the night, housemates who use my phone and never pay back for the calls, housemates who asked to borrow money from me and also never pay back, housemates who don't get along with other housemates, housemates with boyfriend problems, housemates who default on rental and goes missing when asked to pay rental, housemates who use my microwave and overheat a charsiupau until the charsiupau explode in the microwave (it's true, I swear)!!!
Ok, you get it, I had my share of lousy housemates.
But now, I don't need to deal with all these housemates anymore. NO MORE.
All these years since graduating, I've been renting, heck, even while studying in Uni, I've been renting. I'm sooo tired of renting. Paying for the rent is alright, but having to deal with difficult housemates that's the worst part.
Housemates come and go, everytime a housemate moved out, there's the hassle of looking for another replacement, and everytime a new housemate moves in, I've gotta take precaution. Hide all my jewellry, cash, lock the room door. Hey, you would do that too if a total stranger moves into your house. I've had my share of lousy housemates over the years. I've had demanding housemates, housemates who watch TV loudly in the middle of the night, housemates who use my phone and never pay back for the calls, housemates who asked to borrow money from me and also never pay back, housemates who don't get along with other housemates, housemates with boyfriend problems, housemates who default on rental and goes missing when asked to pay rental, housemates who use my microwave and overheat a charsiupau until the charsiupau explode in the microwave (it's true, I swear)!!!
Ok, you get it, I had my share of lousy housemates.
But now, I don't need to deal with all these housemates anymore. NO MORE.
Congratulations on moving to your own place! When you've clean up the mess, we'll come over to jump on your new sofa and new bed, and help you mess up the place again...hahaha...
But we get it, no charsiewpau in the microwave :p.
Anonymous, at 8:55 AM, September 20, 2005
miki - notthemouse : Thanks for 'visiting'. hahaha...you are welcome anytime to trash my place. Ya, you learn fast, no overheating charsiupau in microwave ....big no no...
paupau, at 9:26 AM, September 20, 2005
Congrats also on moving to new house. I understand how it feels when u really have your own home. Sure looking forward for the house-warming party one of these days, provided if i'm invited lar... hehehehehehe. everything sudah cukup kah???
Anonymous, at 8:42 AM, September 23, 2005
chumi, thanks for 'visiting' :). Yaya...everything cukup...terima kasih. Will invite everyone for a hearty meal when my little kitchen is ready :)
paupau, at 1:32 PM, September 23, 2005
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