Just me

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Just Married

Arrrggg....I'm trying to upload some of the photos of my Registration of Marriage (ROM) since yesterday....but I'm having problem uploading them, I wonder if that's due to my account being upgraded...dang Blogger !

ah yes....Fiance and I are official married ! I'm someone's wife ! wow....

Life's still the same though....it's just making things official I guess.

'hubs' (upgrade from fiance ;P) washed the dishes after dinner yesterday so I would say we are off to a great start ! :))

Ok, back to work now. Gots loads of work to do. I need to finish off all my task before going off for my wedding, and at the same time, attend some training in office.
AND there are things to take care of for the wedding too.
gotta go....bye!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Sick Again

I'm sick again! Nothing serious, just flu that's all.

It's funny, normally with flu comes cough, sore throat, fever. But this time, it's just flu. I can still go about my daily activities, just feel a bit tired and sleepy sometimes.

I can still go to work (and spread the flu around to other people). Ah, I wish I can stay at home and sleep. But cannot, lots of things to do in the office.

I hate being sick.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Busy busy busy

Things has been getting busy busy busy off late.

There's lots of things to take care of with the wedding around the corner....egads!.....it's coming soon!!!!!

It seems like I'm so busy with the wedding and also with work in the office, there seems to be a thousand things on my mind. But but.....is there really a thousand things? I don't know. In my mind, there seems to be loads of stuff to do. Like it's lots of things that I haven't taken care of. And I'm worried that things I might have left things at the last minute. As each day inch closer to the wedding date, I'm getting more and more anxious, more and more 'kan cheong', more and more nervous, more and more...PANIC!!!!!!!!!!!

But then, when I really think over things. There is really not much to be done. It's just the tiny details that haven't been taken care of, and there are things that have to wait. So, just breathe.....deep breathes.....
Have to keep cool.

Perhaps it's the pressure, perhaps it's the stress, my mind's a bit celaru, even kelabu....or kerabu...or coconuts.....or maybe completely bonkers....

...hand me a drink...take me shopping....I'll be ok :)